The Bishop Wenner School of Theology was established in 2017

Situated on Leicester Peak in Freetown at a former missionary compound, the School of Theology is on the mountain top in order to provide our students with a retreat-like setting for study and connection with God.  It was the first faculty to be formed in order to establish the University with Christian values as the foundation.  We believe that equipping Christians for leadership can transform both the church and the society in all sectors.

Programmes in Theology and Christian Ministries

  • Bachelor of Theology (Pastoral Studies)
  • Bachelor of Theology (Christian Education)
  • Bachelor of Theology (Missiology)
  • Diploma in Theology
  • Diploma in Peace and Human Rights Studies
  • Diploma in Gender and Development Studies
  • Certificate in Chaplaincy
  • Certificate in Church Administration and Finance
  • Certificate in Lay Pastoral Ministry
  • Certificate in Early Childhood Education

These programmes are full time and of two to four years duration. The delivery mode consists of lectures, supervised dissertations and practicals. In addition to the formal delivery mode, there is a non-formal adult and continuing education mode for an outreach intervention.  This includes the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Programme which targets candidates in the provinces who do not have the opportunity to be at the regular semester sessions. 

Faculty Directory

Rev. Dr. Sidney Cooper

Acting Dean

PhD – Religion and Peace – University of Wales: Trinity Saint David, U.K.

Candidatus theologiae – Philosophy and Theology – University of Oslo

M.A. Christian Studies – Theory of Science and Christianity – Norwegian University of Science of Technology

Theology PTE – Practical Theology – University of Oslo, Practical Theology Seminary, Oslo

Practical Pedagogical Education – Educational Theories and Practice – Programme for Teach Education, NTNU

Candidatus Magisterii – Psychology and Christian Theology – NTNU

Higher Certificate of Proficiency in Pastoral Studies – Greek and Hebrew – Sierra Leone Theological College and Church Training Center


Rev. Dr. Joseph G.L. Moiba

Lecturer/Director of Research

MA – Peace and Governance – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BA – Education – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BDiv – Divinity – Africa University, Zimbabwe

Cert. Ed. – Education – University of Zimbabwe


Rev. Natallia Manyeza


MPhil – African Studies – Fourah Bay College (USL)

MARS – Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BTh – Pastoral – Sierra Leone Bible College

CPS – Pastoral Studies – Sierra Leone Theological Hall

HTC – Teaching – Milton Margai Teaching College


Rev. Alfred A.N. Karimu


MARS – Religious Studies – Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BTh – Applied Theology – College of Theology and Management and Church Training Center

HTC – Teaching – Bo Teachers’ College

Cert. in Pastoral Studies – Teaching Pastoral Work – Makeni Teachers College

Cert. in Nursing Procedure – General Ophthamology – Ophthalmic & Training Centre, Lunsar

Evangelization & Church Growth Context – Clergy Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

TC – Leadership Training – Rokupa – SL


Rev. Alex Kakpindi Josiah


MDiv – Divinity – Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, USA

BSc – Christian Education – Texas Wesleyan University, USA


Lecturer/Deputy Registrar

BAEd – Education – Njala University College


Mrs. Catherine Theo-Harding

Lecturer/ Coordinator WASSCE Programme

Th. D. – New Testament Studies – Providence Theological School, Maryland, U.S.A.

M. Div. – Divinity – West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria

M.A. – Christian Education – ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria

B.A. (Hons) – Christian Education – West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria

Diploma – Biblical Studies – Sierra Leone Bible College, Jui, Freetown


Rev. Dr. Ken Luseni

Adjunct Lecturer

Eleanor Parsons is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at Estudiar University. Her research interests include decision theory, social choice theory, epistemology, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. Her book Risk and Rationality (2013) concerns how an individual ought to take risk into account when making decisions. It vindicates the ordinary decision-maker from the point of view of even ideal rationality.


Eleanor Parsons

Lecturer in Philosophy

Rev. Dr. Sidney Cooper

Acting Dean

PhD – Religion and Peace – University of Wales: Trinity Saint David, U.K.

Candidatus theologiae – Philosophy and Theology – University of Oslo

M.A. Christian Studies – Theory of Science and Christianity – Norwegian University of Science of Technology

Theology PTE – Practical Theology – University of Oslo, Practical Theology Seminary, Oslo

Practical Pedagogical Education – Educational Theories and Practice – Programme for Teach Education, NTNU

Candidatus Magisterii – Psychology and Christian Theology – NTNU

Higher Certificate of Proficiency in Pastoral Studies – Greek and Hebrew – Sierra Leone Theological College and Church Training Center


Rev. Dr. Joseph G.L. Moiba​

Lecturer/Director of Research

MA – Peace and Governance – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BA – Education – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BDiv – Divinity – Africa University, Zimbabwe

Cert. Ed. – Education – University of Zimbabwe


Rev. Natallia Manyeza​


MPhil – African Studies – Fourah Bay College (USL)

MARS – Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BTh – Pastoral – Sierra Leone Bible College

CPS – Pastoral Studies – Sierra Leone Theological Hall

HTC – Teaching – Milton Margai Teaching College


Rev. Alfred A.N. Karimu​


MARS – Religious Studies – Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

BTh – Applied Theology – College of Theology and Management and Church Training Center

HTC – Teaching – Bo Teachers’ College

Cert. in Pastoral Studies – Teaching Pastoral Work – Makeni Teachers College

Cert. in Nursing Procedure – General Ophthamology – Ophthalmic & Training Centre, Lunsar

Evangelization & Church Growth Context – Clergy Evangelism – Africa University, Zimbabwe

TC – Leadership Training – Rokupa – SL


Rev. Alex Kakpindi Josiah


MDiv – Divinity – Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, USA

BSc – Christian Education – Texas Wesleyan University, USA


Rev. Katie Meek

Lecturer/Deputy Registrar

BAEd – Education – Njala University College


Mrs. Catherine Theo-Harding​

Lecturer/ Coordinator WASSCE Programme

Th. D. – New Testament Studies – Providence Theological School, Maryland, U.S.A.

M. Div. – Divinity – West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria

M.A. – Christian Education – ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria

B.A. (Hons) – Christian Education – West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria

Diploma – Biblical Studies – Sierra Leone Bible College, Jui, Freetown


Rev. Dr. Ken Luseni​

Adjunct Lecturer

Eleanor Parsons is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at Estudiar University. Her research interests include decision theory, social choice theory, epistemology, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. Her book Risk and Rationality (2013) concerns how an individual ought to take risk into account when making decisions. It vindicates the ordinary decision-maker from the point of view of even ideal rationality.


Eleanor Parsons

Lecturer in Philosophy

Contact us

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+232-78-408758, +232-76-429356

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Give the Registry a call at +232-78-408758 or +232-76-429356 to set up a time.