Business and Entrepreneurial Studies

In order for a society to be successful, it must have strong private and public sectors.

The School of Business and Entrepreneurial Studies offers programmes to strengthen and equip the private sector for a bright future.  Students receive outstanding theoretical teaching combined with skill-based development that will make them ready to succeed in business and innovate for the twenty-first century.

Programmes at the School of Business and Entrepreneurial Studies

  • National Diploma in Business Administration
  • National Diploma in Accounting and Finance
  • National Diploma in Procurement and Logistics

These programmes are full time and of two to four years duration. The delivery mode consists of lectures, supervised dissertations and practicals. 

In addition to the formal delivery mode, there is a non-formal adult and continuing education mode for an outreach intervention.  This includes the Distance Education Programme which targets candidates in the provinces who do not have the opportunity to be at the regular semester sessions. 

Fulltime Staff

DEd – Adult and Continuing Education – University of South Africa

Med – Curriculum Studies – Adult Non-Formal and Continuing Education – Hull, U.K.

BAEd – Adult and Continuing Education – Hull, U.K.

BA – General Studies – Fourah Bay College (USL)

Dip. Ed – Teacher Education – Fourah Bay College (USL)

Dip. Adult Education – Adult Education – Fourah Bay College (USL)


Professor Ekundayo Thompson


PhD – Religion and Peace – University of Wales: Trinity Saint David, U.K.

Candidatus theologiae – Philosophy and Theology – University of Oslo

M.A. Christian Studies – Theory of Science and Christianity – Norwegian University of Science of Technology

Theology PTE – Practical Theology – University of Oslo, Practical Theology Seminary, Oslo

Practical Pedagogical Education – Educational Theories and Practice – Programme for Teach Education, NTNU

Candidatus Magisterii – Psychology and Christian Theology – NTNU

Higher Certificate of Proficiency in Pastoral Studies – Greek and Hebrew – Sierra Leone Theological College and Church Training Center


Rev. Dr. Joseph G.L. Moiba

Lecturer/Director of Research

Msc. Salford University Manchester UK

BTH- University of Sierra Leone

Dip in project Management- IBSA

Certificate in Pastoral and Theological Studies


Rev. Bola-Williams

Director of Students’ Recruitment /Lecturer

MEd – Community and Development Studies – University of Manchester

BSc – Social Work – University of New South Wales

Dip. – Distance Education – University of London

Post Graduate Dip. – Distance Education – Indira Ghandi National Open University

CPS – Pastoral Studies – Sierra Leone Theological College


Rev. Joseph Lahai Massallay


Milicent Macfoy


MSc – Information Technology – Amity University – Dalhi, India

BSc (Hons) – Information Systems – USL


Internet Technology

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