The Vice-Chancellor’s Office
Welcome to the United Methodist University – Sierra Leone Website!
The Vice Chancellor’s office provides the University’s overall strategic and operational direction.
It does so within the parameters of the tertiary and high education legal framework – The Universities Act 2021, the Statues and Ordinances. Besides The Universities Act, the Tertiary Education Commission Act 2001, and the Tertiary Education Commission Regulations of 2006, circumscribe how the University is governed.
The Vice Chancellor and Principal is “the chief academic, and administrative officer of the University”, and has responsibility for “maintaining and promoting the efficiency of the University. He is also the Vote Controller.”
Operationally, the Vice Chancellor chairs the Senate which has responsibility for academic matters. He represents the University, articulates its Vision and Mission and coordinates the University’s process of Programme Development. Representation, Articulation and Coordination are important roles.
The current Vice Chancellor and Principal is Professor Ekundayo Jonathan David Thompson, a graduate of the University of Sierra Leone (BA Dip. Ed., Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Diploma in Adult Education); the University of Hull, UK (Master in Education, Bachelor in Adult Education and Continuing Education); University of South Africa (Doctor in Education).
He succeeded Professor George Munda Carew, Emeritus Professor, in 2022 following Professor Carew’s retirement. Professor Thompson has held the following positions:
• Director, Director of Planning, Research and Development (DPRD), Njala University,
• Deputy Vice Chancellor, The Institute of Public Administration and Management, University of Sierra Leone,
• Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of Sierra Leone.
With the knowledge, skills and experiences acquired in these positions, he is well placed to provide leadership to the United Methodist University Sierra Leone.
The strategic and operational direction of the Vice Chancellor’s Office includes:
Initiation of collaborative partnerships, provision of strategic leadership in the process of programme development, faculty and staff development on the basis of concept development and strategic thinking and planning. He has contributed to establishing the structures, systems, processes, procedures and programmes of the University now in its seventh year.