The Siaka Stevens Campus, situated on King Harman Road at the old presidential lodge, houses our School of Transformative Education, School of Business and Entrepreneurial Studies, The WASSCE Preparatory College, and The Center for Nonformal, Adult and Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning.
The UMU is accredited by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and its related programmes by the National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards (NCTVA).

Our Mission
To establish a world-class Centre of excellence in higher education committed to advancing intellectual, moral and spiritual transformation for all through teaching and learning, research, and creative thinking, and to fostering the advancement of learning in Sierra Leone and the world at large.

Our Vision
A leading and unique Christian-centre of learning, scholarship, and community service.

Our Core Values
Access; Academic freedom; Professional ethical standards ;Respect for diversity and observance of peaceful co-existence; Equity and Social Justice; Productivity; Accountability; Entrepreneurship; Environment Protection; Sustainability
UMU's History
The UMU is the result of the vision of the Late Bishop John K. Yambasu, a former missionary to youth and young adults across Africa. Upon consecration, Bishop Yambasu presented his Vision 20/20 in which he communicated the dream of a university devoted to Christian values that exists for the transformation of Sierra Leone.